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What Should You Do if You’re Addicted to Prescription Drugs?

a person sits in the dark holding hand to head while worried they might be addicted to prescription drugs

The addiction challenges, particularly to something once thought beneficial, can be deeply unsettling. If you or someone you know is addicted to prescription drugs, it’s crucial to recognize the signs and take appropriate steps toward recovery.

Evoke Wellness at Chicago can help. We offer substance abuse treatment in Illinois. Substance abuse treatment provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals with addiction. Our team of compassionate professionals is dedicated to helping you overcome your addiction and achieve long-term recovery. Don’t wait to reach out to us—call us today at 888.621.0969 to learn more about how to get help and support if you or someone you know is addicted to prescription drugs.

Recognizing the Signs of Prescription Drug Addiction

In a world where the pursuit of good health and the alleviation of pain often rely on pharmaceutical interventions, prescription medications have undeniably transformed countless lives. However, the rise in the availability and consumption of these drugs has brought forth an unsettling consequence: an epidemic of prescription drug addiction.

Addiction to prescription drugs can happen to anyone, even if it begins with a legitimate need for pain relief or anxiety management. Over time, increasing doses and dependence can lead to addiction. That is why recognizing an addiction is essential and the first step to recovery.

Some common signs of prescription drug addiction include:

  • Taking higher doses than prescribed
  • Using the drug without a prescription
  • Consuming the drug for non-medical reasons
  • Feeling an inability to cut down or stop the drug use
  • Spending significant time obtaining, using, or recovering from the drug
  • Neglecting responsibilities or hobbies due to drug use
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cut down or stop

The line between taking prescription medications for genuine medical reasons and misusing them can be thin. Over time, a patient might begin to take larger doses than prescribed or use the drug even after their initial condition has improved, leading to dependence and, eventually, addiction.

What Should You Do if You Are Experiencing Prescription Drug Addiction?

Recognizing the concern is essential, but what comes next? Here’s what you can do:

  • Educate yourself – Understand the implications of prescription drug addiction on your physical and mental health.
  • Avoid isolation – Talk to friends and family about your concerns. Their support can be invaluable in the recovery process.
  • Talk to someone – Confide with a trusted family member, friend, or counselor. They can offer support and guidance.
  • Seek professional help – It’s essential to consult with professionals who have experience dealing with substance abuse and can provide appropriate guidance and treatment.

The brain chemistry changes associated with prolonged drug use mean that professional intervention is often required to break the cycle. It isn’t merely a matter of willpower—it’s about accessing the right resources, tools, and support that a professional setting provides.

Benefits of Substance Abuse Treatment

Substance abuse treatment is crucial in helping individuals addicted to prescription drugs navigate recovery. Here are some of the key benefits such programs offer:

Individualized Treatment

One of the significant advantages of substance abuse treatment is that it’s personalized to the unique needs of each individual. Understanding that drug addiction is as much a personal journey as a medical issue, treatment plans are designed to address each person’s specific challenges and circumstances.

Mental Health Support

Substance use often coincides with mental health conditions. Comprehensive treatment programs provide support for co-occurring disorders, offering counseling and therapy options that address both addiction and underlying mental health conditions.

Peer Support

Treatment programs also offer the invaluable benefit of peer support. Sharing experiences with others navigating the same journey can be incredibly empowering and reassuring, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding.

Tools for Long-Term Success

Substance abuse treatment equips individuals with the tools and strategies they need for long-term success. This includes coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, and strategies to prevent relapse, ensuring they are well-prepared to recover even after the treatment program ends.

Call Evoke Wellness at Chicago to Begin Recovery with Our Substance Abuse Treatment

At Evoke Wellness at Chicago, we understand the complexities of prescription drug addiction and are dedicated to helping individuals overcome it. Our evidence-based treatment programs, led by a team of compassionate professionals, provide the support, resources, and tools needed for successful recovery.

We believe in your ability to overcome this challenge and achieve a healthier life. You don’t have to struggle alone—let us be there for you every step toward long-term recovery. Remember that there is hope beyond addiction. Call us today at 888.621.0969 or message us on our online contact form.